Feedback for alikyle
alikyle's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for alikyle
Comment after therubyloushop sold #157007 to alikyle
Thank you for shopping at The RubyLou Shop again! Hope you like those pants too and they fit well. Delphine.Comment after therubyloushop sold #148459 to alikyle
Thank you for shopping at The RubyLou Shop. Sorry for the delay! Sent the pants today on fast post! Hope they fit well. Delphine.Comment after meek sold #121091 to alikyle
Prompt payment, great customer. Thanks for shopping with meek!Comment after firecracker sold #160866 to alikyle
Thank you for your purchase, Your tracking information is below. Kind Regards KatherineDelivery Address
Name: Alison Kirkpatrick Address: 72 Sunshine Avenue, Karori, Wellington Country: New Zealand Special Instructions: please be careful as package is fragile. Thankyou
Order Summary
Product Description
Retail Box 1RBB-1WVB-JNQ1-2O9I Track