About 7 years ago i moved from the city to a rural property in my hometown and started making cool stuff for my kids to play with. When the novelty wore off and they discovered video games I decided to sell some stuff, it sold so fast that it generated orders to make more stuff, so I started a Facebook page and began testing the extent of my creativity. I found there was potential interest in unique and quirky one-off wood products that were customised, therefore you would never find them in the shops. I decided that was my niche and committed to creating things that were of good quality and made you say wow that's so cool!. It evolved into predominantly making outdoor timber products including garden planters, dog play equipment, animal shelters, mailboxes horse jumps, yard games, play houses and even cabins. But as of late the focus has been building life-like playgrounds and sandpits in the form of tractors, trucks, cars, boats, tanks, diggers, monster trucks, fire engines, helicopters, pirate ships, actually anything you can think of! I have lots of happy customers who have purchased them for their homes or businesses, more specifically clubs, maraes, cafes and petting farms. The beauty of buying custom made to order products such as these, is the opportunity to choose the colour and any other special preferences you may have, whether it needs to suit a particular age range or cater for a disability, or you just want your favourite type of swing included.
Along with developing fine motor skills and coordination from physical activity, my creations inspire children's imaginations and generate tons of fun and happiness, and that provides them with the genuine childhood memories they cherish forever, and that's priceless.