Tukituki Instruments was founded in February 2009 by me, Phill Jones. The name comes from the river and the road in the beautiful Tukituki Valley in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, where four generations of my family have lived. It is where I learned to work with timber; firstly with my grandfather, and later on my own while he watched on from the farmhouse. The first Cajón came out of his workshop, along with flutes, didgeridoos, and even a yurt!
I carry the name Tukituki with pride - it reminds me of my roots, of the place I first discovered woodworking, and where my family comes from.
After living in Europe and experiencing Flamenco culture in Spain, I returned home and started making and selling Cajón drums. I moved to Wellington in 2010, and since then have made it my mission to build the best Cajón-style instruments in the country, and to make a name for myself in Australasia as a high quality craftsman.
I grew up next door to a renowned luthier, and his way of labouring intensely over small details to make his instruments sing has really stayed with me. Nowadays it is that focus, experience and care that I strive for with my instrument making. I believe in using the highest quality materials available, searching for ethical and sustainable sources for these materials, and crafting them into beautiful musical instruments, each of which carries the integrity of the brand. I like to stay in contact with my clients, helping them to get the most out of their instrument, be it with tuning and maintenance, learning to play, or even making their own.
I am based in Hawke's Bay, NZ.

Since 2009 I've crafted Cajón box drums for musicians across Australasia including collaborating with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. I've created one-off artwork/instruments with artists Kelly Spencer, Sean Duffel, and Shane Hansen for sale and exhibition and I've built musical Cajón box-props for Java Dance Productions. I've showcased my work at major Australasian festivals including Woodford Folk, Byron Bay Bluesfest, Splendour in the Grass, and many more.

To find out more about the Cajón, to see videos of my products and more, go to my website: