Abstract art in Acrylics, Resin and inks.

Hi, I'm Tina-Marie, I have been drawing and colouring since I could hold a pencil, and remember every Christmas as a child I would get new pens and colouring books, which would keep entertained for ages. I loved art class at school and was often asked by the other kids to do their drawings for them. Sadly in secondary/high school I never got the opportunity to do art, so I went on to further education in my early 20's to do a GNVQ Advanced level in Art and Design. After leaving art college, art always had a place in my heart. I entered the National/International PAWS Wildlife Art competition in 1996 and won 1st prize in the under 25's Category. I entered again in 1998 and achieved runner up in the overall competition.

Life then got busy, I was a single mum with a full time job as a graphic designer, so spare time for my art wasn't available.
A recent move to a new country and a life change has meant I can now get back to doing what I love, creating beautiful art and drawings.
I am always trying new things, new mediums, but I do love coloured pencils because of the realism you can achieve, and a proud moment was when I had my coloured pencil drawing featured in Colored Pencil Magazine.
I also love playing with paint and creating abstract art with inks, acrylic and resin.
With the digital age well and truly upon us, I have found another avenue to create pictures and illustrations, which I am also loving right now.

I am working hard to bring you some new and wonderful things and make my mark in the world, so stay tuned.

Thank you to everyone who supports my art & illustration's, your wonderful feedback is much appreciated and strives me to continue.

All the best

Tina-Marie x