Tania Bostock has lived in Nelson for eight years. She has always had an interest in Art and because of the success of her paintings; it was a natural progression to become a full-time Artist.
Tania’s paintings have been purchased both nationally and internationally, with some of her paintings finding homes in Australia, Singapore and the U.S.A.
For Tania painting is emotive. “Something will attract my attention. It might be as simple as the light shining under a door, or the gap in a curtain, but it’s the contrast between light and dark that draws me in”.
Tania exhibits are Reflections Gallery (WOW Nelson), Momentum Gallery, Nelson Airport, Kahurangi Gallery and Anderson Park Gallery, (Invercargill). She has also contributed and sold paintings at various Art Shows.
“Tania, hope you are doing well - we recently received the shipment of your incredible work ‘Breathe’ which we purchased from the Gallery at WOW while visiting friends in Nelson and Golden Bay…
Just wanted you to know we will enjoy and cherish it… We seldom purchase art - your work inspired us…
Bob & Amp; Sammi Jackson (Jax Beach FL; USA)