"Makers gonna make"

That's my mantra. My mother and my grandmother were makers. I have beautiful memories of watching them sew, embroider, cross-stitch and crochet and I loved seeing the looks on the faces of the lucky recipients of their hand made goodies and loved being a recipient even more! I guess the making thing kind of rubbed off on me. I always have to have something on the go otherwise I feel restless and unproductive. I will admit though, I have a short attention span and my pile of "works in progress" is growing steadily as my mind continuously comes up with ideas that my hands can't keep up with! I enjoying using pre-loved materials including old woollen blankets, vintage sheets, vintage material, buttons etc in most of my products but I also love me a brand spanking new piece of pretty material!

I am unashamedly "multi-stitchual" in that I sew, crochet, cross stitch and embroider - hence the name "Switchy Stitches". The skill of knitting continues to elude me though, but I am working on it!

Welcome to my wee shop. It's a bit eclectic. Kind of like me really. I hope you enjoy having a look around.