Hello, I'm Deidre from Shaky Isles.
Visit me at my blog www.stash-rehash.blogspot.com
I love many, many, many things. Here are some of them:
- dishy fabrics, especially Josef Frank, Alexander Girard and Lucienne Day,
- op-shopping, collecting and making things.
- refashioning, remaking, restoring, remodelling, rethinking, reusing, recycling, rebuilding, upcycling!
- native New Zealand plants, birds and butterflies, walking in the bush, finding cool fungi,
- repeating patterns,
- beautiful functional everyday objects that last and last and are a joy to use, wear or look at everyday (think Dilana Rugs, Lorimer Knives, Duncan Sargent furniture, Camper shoes, Thunderpants!)
- things with personality and character that never go out of fashion because they are mad, (Enid Collins handbags)
- Selvedge magazine, Object magazine,
- Craft2.0 and other wonderful makers' markets,
- NZ folk art and kitsch crafts like string pictures, burnt matchstick and iceblock stick creations, shell encrusted things,
- outsider art and unusual art events and exhibitions such as Free Art Friday and nomadic pop-up galleries and shops,
- contemporary object art, subversive embroidery, guerilla knitting / crochet tagging / yarn bombing and contemporary or subversive use of traditional textile arts and crafts.
Favourite quote:
'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.' William Morris
Favourite design sentiment:
"Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don't hesitate to make it beautiful." Shaker lesson