Saucery Jewellery started with a Carltonware Vert Royale jug that belonged to my late mother-in-law, Maureen. It was broken in the earthquakes and wanting to hold onto what the jug had meant to me, I made a brooch from it. From there I started making other pieces, and once I had the right equipment for the job I was away!
Each keep-sake is about remembering a piece of the past – whether it was Nanna’s favourite tea-set, the family’s Crown Lynn every-day dinner ware, or just admiring the beauty of old china patterns. By reworking these nostalgic patterns into something close to your heart I hope to bring the past alive – treasured patterns to be worn by mothers, daughters and granddaughters alike.
And not to forget the men in our lives, I have a range of cuff-links, designed to add something extraordinary to their wardrobe.
Did you know giving china is the traditional 20th anniversary gift? Surprise your loved one with something a little different...
If you have any china or crockery that you would like worked into your own keep-sake, please talk to me about what you would like, and I will happily help you bring it life.