I have combined my love of fabric with the fun of writing stories.
Sandy Silkywings are 5 books feature a fairy and her friends the grey and ginger cat. 2020 I add Sandys friends books - The Lost Chocolate Fish and The Little Green Truck.
The stories are easy reading - great to read to any age and for 7 to 8 years to read alone.
The illustrations have been done in fabric and feature hand painted backgrounds, recycled fabric and hand painted fabric: ie Sandy's wings are hand painted silk. The illustrations have been finished with both hand and machine stitching. Many of the originals such as the cushions and garlands are 3D. Small touch are fun such Sandy's scarf hand knitted in some pictures on just 3 stitches. All this has made books with plenty to look at and share.
The original illustrations were then scanned for printing in the books.
Like Sandy, I live in Hokitika, West Coast, South Island if you are here and would like to see the original illustrations please contact me.