Waldorf inspired natural fibre art doll.
I started making these 3 1/2 years ago when my daughter was 4 and have not stopped since. As a homeschooling mum I take every spare moment to create.

My initial drive to make theses was inspired by the Waldorf tradition of giving your bigger child a doll that has a likeness to them. This doll becomes a true companion, someone to tell everything to, take everywhere, give comfort and confide in. I started on the steep learning curve of making first Bridget’s doll. A red head with blue eyes. The joy in her eyes on her 5th birthday was so intense, she still talks about this moment with awe.

These dolls are made from completely natural materials. Organic wool stuffing, Cotten jersey for the skin and mohair. Their clothes are cotton or wool. This creates a warm comforting doll that is non toxic and loves Mother Earth.