I grew up the UK and studied sculpture at Art College in Bournemouth. A sudden realisation that all the sculptors I had been studying seemed to die in poverty led me to an apprenticeship with the internationally renowned cabinet maker John Makepeace. That training set me up for a career as a self- employed furniture maker.

I have spent many years making furniture for people and while that is still part of my work, I wanted to start making the things that pop into my mind - most often when I am rifling through the off cut box looking for kindling to light the fire. I take whatever pieces are in front of me, play with them, then use them to create art objects. I chop, burn, drill, glue, paint, bend them - whatever takes my fancy, following whatever direction inspires me.

My partner, who is also a furniture maker, and myself moved to New Zealand in 2013 and settled in Gisborne.

An interesting aspect of our move to this country is having to start again with learning to identify a new world of native timbers. I only use reclaimed timbers or FSC certified wood. I have recently acquired some lovely old Kauri weatherboards, so watch this space.

While I describes myself as a wood artist, I create other items, but wood remains the centre of my craft.