Hi my name is Russ, welcome to my store. I'm a maker/designer/photographer here in New Plymouth. My passion is making quirky, rustic and usable items from reclaimed materials, primarily timber. I have a large stock of reclaimed Rimu, Macrocarpa and Cedar. The items in my shop are an idea of what I like to produce, if you have idea's or designs of your own please feel free to get in touch for a chat as to how I could help you create your imagined pieces.
I recently introduced a laser engraver into my workshop, so now I can produce customised pieces, so again if you need anything persoanlised for a friend/family member be it a significant birthday or event please feel free to get in touch to see if I can help.
I keep some items in stock, but most are custom made to order so please allow 7-10 days for delivery.
Pick Up from New Plymouth is always available to help avoid shipping costs.