Hi! Im Olivia and just started my shop on felt in July 2014.
I have travelled extensively and recently returned to Nelson, New Zealand to 'settle down' somewhat (although I am unsure if I will ever actually settle ;-))). Im 31, a trained professional, but have always dabbled in creative aspects since my love of photography at school. That was, with out a doubt, my favourite subject!
* My Photography & Scrabble Art *
I love the magic of photography, the ability to turn moments into memories, capture a feeling, and your mind's eye. It's all about interpretation of your surroundings and how you see them. "Photography is an Art of Observation. It has little to do with the things you see, and everything to do with the way you see them" - Elliott Erwitt.
I wanted to provide inspiration through what I do; to convey a feeling, a passion, and energy through captured moments. I believe that words are beautiful and powerful tools. They can have so much meaning, and the ability to touch your soul. "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, bur their echoes are truly endless" - Mother Teresa.
Combining beautiful words & captured moments, is my absolute passion - which is what you will see in my shop!
My Scrabble Art also stems from my love of words! I love how just a few words put together can be so simple yet effective - and can brighten up someone's day. Again, words can be very powerful, so you need to choose them wisely. I also think we ought to use kind words more regularly; congratulate someone, tell them that you love them, that they are seriously awesome, a yummy mummy, and totally hot to trot! ;-)
I hope you enjoy. Feel free to drop me a line!
*More about Me & Pockets of Zest*
I have a passion for life, for living it, for meeting others, for appreciating what you have and living in the moment. And laughing. I like laughing. And coffee, good beats, and road trips (all of which to be fair, go pretty well together).
Pockets of Zest started for me by chance really - at a time when I was somewhat at a cross roads. In my 20's I chose to devote myself to my career and was very focussed on working my way up in my profession. I was working in London, and had managed to gain a fairly fast-paced hierarchical position; whilst that has been a fundamental learning curve that I am extremely grateful for, I have realised that devoting so much time and energy into your career alone, does not necessarily make you happy!
I returned to Nelson NZ last year after my father passed away very unexpectedly, and suddenly I had more time on my hands, so I started getting back into creative hobbies; the things that had always made me smile. And I tell you, Nelson is a very beautiful place to do this!
The word 'Zest' is a reflection of the time of life I am at, and what I want from here on in - great enthusiasm & energy, passion, love, joy, delight, excitement, liveliness. A little bit (or 'Pockets') of Zest is my new mantra!
I have no idea where Pockets of Zest will go - and to be honest, it doesn't matter. I know that in my 30's I want to spend more time on things I love doing - and if I can bring a smile to the face of a few people along my tracks, then I have accomplished exactly what I wanted. That is enough.