I was born in Wellington, moved up to Napier when I was 22, mainly to enjoy the fantastic climate and more relaxed lifestyle.
My Father was tragically killed in a car accident travelling up to visit me six months later, but I managed to make a good life here for five years as a single person. I returned to Lower Hutt to be closer to family, but ended up meeting my husband only a few months later! He proposed to me on a weekend away just after midnight on Napier's beach, 1st January 2000 - accompanied to much cheering (from the crowd observing the Millenium Celebrations!) when he got up from one knee and it was obvious I had said yes!, We decided to return to "the Bay" permanently just before our first Wedding Anniversary, 1 Sept 2000.
We thoroughly enjoy living in Napier with our three "rescue" cats - "Felicity", "Tigger" and "Chevy" (each with very distinct personalities!). And have recently adopted two beautiful Homing Pigeons - "Pigey" and "Bossy", whom are now proud parents to their first two "squabs" (pigeon chicks) - hatched 16/5/14 - they should now be "re-homed" to our property and will soon be able to be free-range and fly daily ;-)
I have always had a fascination with Art & Craft, ever since having a "Making Things Box" as a pre-schooler, through winning numerous Colouring Competitions as a child, two Logo Design Competitions (Fiordland National Park - ( remember "Spot On" on TV One?) & Leprosy Trust Board) in my teens, and was Top Art Student in 5th Form at High School, Rembrant Award for Clothing, Top Fashion & Textiles Student in 6th Form. I had my own home-based seasonal Dressmaking business for several years when I was single, before shifting back to Wellington - "Exclusive Art Deco Dresses", where I guaranteed you would never see another lady walking down the street at Art Deco Weekend wearing your outfit! (I still make many of my own clothes and love making new outfits for our ever more popular Art Deco Weekend in February each year.)
I love anything different, unique, recycled and handmade. I'm very glad to see the slow return to traditional values of not wasting anything in the "Shabby Chic", "up-cycled" home-decorating styles today. I love quality vintage fabrics, antique bottles and kitchenalia, and re-cycled furniture, and feel it is such a shame that NZ has been flooded with cheap imported junk, which has done so many hard-working Kiwi's out of work, and filled our landfills with plastic and unnecessary harmful chemicals!
Animal Welfare is very important to me, and I happily support the local SPCA and PETA for the great work they do. We only buy Free-Range Eggs and try to support the Local Fruit & Vegetable producers, (when the vege garden can't supply or needs!)
My husband and I sell Blanket Cushions, Cat-Nip Mice, Hand-made Greeting Cards, Mini "Chicken Coop" Egg Boxes etc at a local monthly Craft Market, as well as recently having been supplying a few local shops who support NZ-Made crafts & souvenirs. I love meeting new fellow Crafts People, and am grateful to those who told me about this amazing craft-based website!