I'm Sarah Potton, an artist based in the Hauraki region of New Zealand. My artwork is inspired by my love of animals, birds, and the beautiful world of nature that surrounds us.

I’ve always enjoyed making things out of natural objects that I have found or collected. I particularly like to paint on stones because each is like a little blank canvas just waiting to be picked up and transformed into a cute animal ready to bring happiness to someone!

As a child I spent a lot of time observing the intricate details of plants and wildlife around me, and the way they interacted with each other. This had a lot of influence on my artistic style. In my paintings, I love to portray ‘close up’ moments in the busy lives of the creatures I paint and to capture their expressions and emotions.

Mousewhisker Studio is so named because of the mouse which hops onto my signature when I’m not looking. The ‘whisker’ part expresses my aspiration to create art ‘fine enough to be painted with a mouse’s whisker!’

To see more of my work, follow me on Instagram: @mousewhiskerstudio