Saving our planet one stitch at a time. A blend of new and quality reused fabric. Made by me in NZ.
Hello there. Thankyou for stopping to look at my shop . I am the wife of a great Guy, a Mum and a Nan to lovely Grandkiddies. I live on the beautiful Coromandel and am surrounded by water, Pohutukawa covered hill sides and fresh air. I am truly blessed to be born in this amazing country.
Sewing has been a passion for me since I was a young child. My mother was a seamstress and I learned most of what I know about sewing from her.
It concerns me how much quality clothing and fabric goes to landfill. Where I can rescue, sanitise and reuse, I love to do so . Its a small effort on my part to help reduce pollution and waste.
Each garment that I make comes with a lot of love and care for the children who will wear them and our environment.