Flower Girls by Lorene May

Hi, I love to make things, I love fabric and print and dress ups!

I am a dressmaker by trade but my head is often brimming with my own designs. In sewing there is usually a fair bit of waste - scrap fabric leftover from projects in odd shapes and sizes, it's such a shame to see all that go into landfill so I've saved up the good bits and bobs. Everything you'll find here is made from those leftovers and thrifted fabrics and trims. It makes me happy to be creative and to create in a more sustainable and ethical way than your traditional fast fashion production, so for me its about quality, slowing down and keeping in touch with the sense of inspiration. I'll be making flower girl and bridesmaids dresses, dress up costumes, retro inspired kids clothes and whatever else takes my fancy.

You can see more of what I do at www.facebook.com/LoreneHarrisDressmaking