I am a Canadian living in NZ and began sewing clothing shortly after my son was born in early 2007. Whenever wanting to buy clothes for him I generally found baby clothing to be more expensive than I could afford while being more generic than I wanted. In order to deal with this dilemma, I bought my first sewing machine (a cheap, second-hand miniature Janome) when my son was about four months old and began making hoodies and wool coats for him, which were also popular among many other mums. I decided to start up a little clothing line called Lone Moose Clothing and began making sophisticated looks for little people. Lone Moose Clothing was an awesome adventure which I decided to pass on after two years in order to begin Midwifery training in 2009.
Today I am a third-year midwifery student and will graduate in 2011. However, with a passion for textiles, I am still sewing garments for kids and adults under the new label ¡Project Project! which occasionally includes some hand-knitted garments as well. Feel free to let me know what you think and check out my blog at www.lonemoose.typepad.com.
Thanks for reading!