Lil' Miss T started when I had an injury and the Universe smacked me upside the head! I was not able to work, so to preserve my sanity I started making bags and decoupage mugs, plates and candles.
I am much better now though... :D
I would like to think that I could make a successful little business doing this and would eventually not have to work for someone else.

Lil' Miss T is not for the average mainstream person - it's not for "followers". Lil' Miss T is for people who are not afraid to express their quirky selves, who are not afraid to be different (because it's our differences that make us interesting). It's our differences that make us individuals.

I've never been a follower...

So ladies, express your quirky selves!! Start a revolution! You don't have to buy or do something just because everyone else is... Start your own trend. :)