LemurKat loves to draw. She is addicted to Art Cards and other miniature pieces of art, normally working in sizes from 1 x 1 inch to 8 x 8 inches. Her favourite subjects are animals and nature - specifically the cute and quirky, weird and whimsical, ugly but endearing. Her charming, whimsical style is almost instantly identifiable and can be found in collections all over the world - from Madagascar to Guatamela, Russia to the Philippines.

When she's not drawing, LemurKat is generally reading or concocting strange and delicious dishes to feed her husband. She favours fantasy novels, or anything with strong protagonists and intriguing plots. An avid devourer of books, LemurKat also works in retail - where she is paid to talk about books, art products etc (and also to sell them). Art is her outlet and way of winding down after a hard day's work.

She is currently working on several art projects, including a picture book both written and illustrated by her and has published several novels for children.