I started on this journey of making 'Matchboxes' when my Daughter-in-law told me one day that 'Lily' my Grand-daughter was following in my footsteps in liking little things
As I live so far away from them I came up with the idea of turning 'Matchboxes' into a monthly surprise treat for Lily to discover in the post.
So for more than 2 years and loads of ideas , this magic has been happening between Lily and me.
I like that it really keeps me connected with Lily in a very unique way, a way in which she will always remember.
So I am always thinking of what I will do next, what little surprise can I tuck inside a little 'Matchbox'
I am very happy to offer some of the 'Treat Matchboxes Lily has been sent.
I hope they give little moments of delight to one and all.
Kerrie X