I was born in Wellington in 1947. I am married with two grown-up sons and am now retired, living with my husband Vernon in Feilding.
My occupation was a librarian/indexer and in the 1980s I indexed the early Feilding newspaper called the Feilding Star (which later became the Feilding Herald), from the late 19th and the early 20th century and produced an historical portrayal of Feilding using photos of the time and newspaper items.
I have always considered myself a craftsperson, having concentrated on crafts through most of my married life. Although I do enjoy watercolour painting, I have indulged in crochet shawls ( in the 70s) spinning and knitting, (I was president of the Feilding Spinning Club for a couple of years), embroidery, candlemaking, quilting, cross stitch and in the last few years become interested in beading. Handcrafted garments, unique jewellery pieces and framed watercolours now occupy all my hobby time