Hi my name is Chris.I enjoy making things and started making dog collars for my Labradors Kass and Ernie when I couldn't find nice ones, then cotton ones for Tessa with allergies.
All collars are hand made from quality cotton quilting fabrics,N.Z manufactured jaquard or grosgrain ribbon over webbing. They are adjustable with side release buckles and welded heavy duty D rings. Stress points are triple stitched using an industrial sewing machine and UV Resistant thread for maximum durability. Every collar is made with dogs safety in mind.
Kass was my first dog. She taught me it was posible for a person and dog to bond as one. At 2.5 she was diagnosed with bone cancer in the jaw. I was devestated. She lost her fight 10 months later.
Not long after a very close friend Lyn was diagnosed with bone cancer. Once again I was devestated. Lyn was the most beautiful person, who would give the shirt off her back to a stranger. She was the best friend a person could wish for.
I started making the collars for friends overseas using N.Z fabrics. She kept insisting I sell them.
Feeling helpless seeing her in pain one day, I decided to sell some with 50% going to BCD ( Bone Cancer Dogs ) to raise funds for research and raise awareness.
She gave me confidence and together Lyn and I enjoyed coming up with new ideas and ways to sell them. Some ideas made us laugh and wonder what was in our coffee. It helped take her mind off the pain and the black cloud that hung over us.
Sadly Lyn lost the battle before I had everything set up. Doing them without her hasn't been the same and it took me a long time to start doing them again. Loved ones can't say it is too hard or I don't want to do it, so why should I give up.
We can never bring them back, but hopefully in our own small way we can help others fight this horrible battle. There may never be a cure, but I hope we can help the pain. Together we can make a difference. .
Lyn may not be here, but this will always be something we created together. Thank you for looking at our creations.
Rembering Kass and Lyn who are the reason Collars by Chris was started. Always in my heart..... never forgotten.
Web site. http://collarsbychris.weebly.com/
face book http://www.facebook.com/pages/Collars-by-Chris/330532400348191