Welcome to my shop I thought I better drop a few lines here so ya’ll can put a face to the name, so! I’m Leah aka Jupiter & Pip I started this whole thing making cute resin keychains in my bedroom and now its kinda grown into something much bigger as I have explored my creativity.
Anyway I’m a small town girl hailing from Bluff, I have always been creative something which my mum always helped fuel as a kid we were always crafting and painting and making something and it's always stuck with me so thanks mum. It has always been a dream to have a job doing something you love and enjoy so hoping this little adventure of mine could be a full time gig in the future.
I'm inspired by allot of things and could never stick to one type of art I have to try it all but working with resin has definitely stuck as there endless things you can create with this medium. Some of my creations have a little inspiration of the sea and space hence my whole logo being “Jupiter & Pip” Jupiter being the ruler of my birth planet sagittarius is my star sign and Pip is short for Pippy my nick name from my uncle who passed away.
I used to collect all sorts of shells “still do” ....hoarder lol and would pick up cockle shells and bring them home in my pocket but we called them Pippys and I think thats how name came about. But anyway its a nice little combo of two things I love the ocean and outer space ....and it sounds kool.
Leah x