Hi, I'm Fran and absolutely LOVE craft! I am a trained Interior Designer (not to be confused with Decorating) So I have started out my crafty obsession quite structured. Over the years, I have enjoyed creating things for friends. I also love researching, and admiring other peoples ideas and designs!
I have two beautiful boys and, have made them a few things over the years, but I think because I don't have girls, and most of my friends do, I have become quite obsessed with all things girly, pretty, and cute!
I dabble in alot of pies, from stamping, scrapbooks, knitting (haven't quite mastered crochet, but wish I could!!) sewing, card making, cake decorating.......anything I can see I try and create! My mantra has always been.."I can do that!"
To enjoy life, is to create! xx