Howdy I am Kell from Christchurch.
I am in my first year of learning leathercraft, doing so in a self directed polytech course style.
It has quickly become a passion, unlike anything I've ever experienced before.
The leather I am learning on is naturally tanned NZ sheep leather, it is a wonderful product, strong, yet very soft and supple.
I like to be able to dye the leather myself, I feel for the time being that this gives me the creative style I seek, which is old world, traditional, almost like a modern antique.
I guess put simply, I would like to make things my Nana would enjoy.
The very thought warms my heart, and I hope and pray that some of that spirit imbues my work.
I work for the time being, at an old fashioned heavy office desk in my bedroom. Punching stitching holes is noisy work, it's the quieter spot for the neighbours, lol.
Of course, any purchase you might make will have a big impact on my progress, so definitely feel free to pat yourself on the back for helping me purchase that new Damascus blade!
Thanks for your time and visit to my store, y'all come back now y'hear.