I'm a creative living in West Auckland. My core art process is about finding solace and spaciousness through exercising creative freedoms. I have a passion for colour and don't like to be restricted to a single colour palette. For me, the most exciting part of painting, is the discoveries made at the edges of my 'usual' practice. I love to discover the richness of unusual colour combinations, accidental brushstrokes, and subject matter that dissolves into 'doing' joy. My landscapes span traditional, and also abstract, gestural and impressionist works and more.
Growing up in the Waikato, raised among a veritable zoo of pets, an out-of-control garden, playing leap frog in the park, camping by the sea over summer, you'll find that sense of rest and play in my paintings. You could imagine yourself there, fill the spaciousness with your own dreams too, dreams of our beautiful everyday, ordinary lives.
You can also find me on Facebook as The Ordinary Artist and Instagram @ordinarily_arty