Founded by Andrea O'Connor and Paula Colloty. Kindred spirits and lovers of all things beautifully designed especially if made in fabric.
Paula and Andrea started making cushions as gifts for friends' children and they received rave reviews from both parents and kids alike. This lead to orders and Design Divas Create was born.
Paula ia a contemporary quilt artist, has studied interior design and colour. Sewing is a passion. She loves designing quilts that tell stories and dying fabric to create wonderful colours. She is the mother of one very active and beautiful two year old girl and works part time for a small IT company.
Andrea is a registered architect, interior designer and loves working with colour. She has worked as an architect in Auckland, Melbourne and Wellington. Andrea lectured at the Wellington design school part-time before moving to Hamilton. She is currently at home with her second daughter, who at 20 months keeps mum on her toes.