After living in Raglan for 20 years raising our family we decided the time was right to start looking for adventure. We had 4 years living across different cities in Australia then decided it was time to give back.
Cambodia was to be our new home for the next 4 years where we were volunteering 1st with Engineers Without Borders" then teaching in Cambodian schools. We also spent approx 2 years traveling wherever the wind took us, Nepal, Burma and Laos, Vietnam.
Over our years we have witnessed the waste in this world and have always been passionate about trying to reduce it were ever we can in our personal lives. We felt after living in a developing country, where everything is treasured and nothing is wasted we could commit ourselves to not only recycling, but to Up Cycling and bringing new beauty to items that many would see as being past their use-by date.
Since being back in New Zealand we have decided to committed ourselves to Up Cycling and are presently developing CUPS "CREATIVE UPSYCLES" to help us spread the excitement by making funky usable produces which we hope other people will get enjoyment through.
We are always on the lookout for items that can be saved and given new beauty by Up Cycling. All our materials are hand picked and collected from city recycle centres, demolition sites and friends renovating their own spaces.
CUPS Creative Upsycles goal is to show that with imagination some vision and creativity, waste and old stuff can be made into something beautiful and be enjoyed for years to come.
“There is no such thing as waste, just stuff in the wrong place”