Cupcake Sweeties started out life in 2008 by Christina Hall - who sold some cupcakes at a local plunket fair while on maternity leave with 2 young children.
Things expanded over the next few years - the team grow, the product range grew, and the children grew! In 2012 it was time to take things to the next step - and Cupcake Sweeties set up a thriving retail shop in Fairfield, Lower Hutt.
The product range increased from cupcakes to a huge range of cake decorating supplies (1000+) as well as running lots of classes, birthday parties and workshop sharing the passion of cake decorating.
In 2014 Brownie Promise was launched - and now our gorgeous gift boxes of decadent chocolate brownies are being sent up and down the country with a very loyal customer base, who declare they are the best brownies ever!

We received feedback from a number of customers who loved the finished product, but who wanted to bake them at home. So after a lot of research and taste testing, we now have a range of 5 baking mixes we are very proud of. They are the sames recipes we use in our brownies and cupcakes that we sell - full of good real ingredients - like whittakers dark ghana chocolate!

We believe you can have convenience without compromising on quality so you will be baking with exactly the same ingredients we use in our own products. No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives - just real ingredients that taste amazing. Simply mix, bake and share the joy!

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them for you!

The Cupcake Sweeties Team