Kia ora fellow homemade hat lovers!

The winter is coming on strong and its time to stock up on winter woolies. chuNkZ has some new designs for this 2013 winter so check these out!

For those of you who are based in Christchurch, aside from my websales I do have a variety of premade designs on sale at the Roxx climbing gym. I also attend the Canterbury Uni Winter Wonderland market days which are on the 14th August 2013, 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m and the 2nd October 2013, 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. so if you are in the area, come and check out the stall!

chuNkZ designs is a small one-person operated business based in Christchurch. All the patterns for these designs are my own and will be knitted with love by your truely.

As an avid snowboarder, outdoor enthusiast, and perpetual student living in sub zero conditions I soon learnt the value of knitting my own woolies as a cheaper and much more orignial option to staying warm on those cold winter nights, and often days, not to mention a great way to keep your hands moving and warm. My friends soon became used to me showing up for a weekend roadtrip with a bag full of needles and wool, and I believe customs now has me on record for numerous attempts to stow away long pointy items in hand luggage.

What to look out for in this range.......
My policy on knitware is "the chunkier the better". This is coming from my own personal experiences in the outdoors and lovely south island winters, these designs will be warm! they will be hardwearing, and they will be chunky, and they will be funky. These hats and headbands will come in a variety of exciting colours for you to choose from and best of all you get to design your own colour combinations.

Check out the chuNkZ facebook page for more pictures and regular updates and offers;
