I am an artist and designer. I work in copper, iron, landscapes and bonsai. have created this collection of jewelry as a fund raiser for planting trees. In conjunction with the Riverside Community Trust Board, I am establishing a diverse, resilient and bird rich landscape on the trusts land in the Moutere valley near Motueka. I believe that as humans with complete dominion over this planet, It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the other lifeforms we live with are catered for. I am a third generation Riversider. I have been planting trees here all my life and have a very close relationship with the landscape and the creatures that live here. Riverside is now moving to a regenerative farming model. Part of this process is to establish permanent tree cover over large areas of our less productive land for the enjoyment of the birds and human generations to come. Next winters project is to plant up 3 hectares including several bird rich areas of wetland.