Most, if not all, artworks (which is in fact what they all are) are created by an intuitive process.

I make stuff... that's what I've always done. I started drawing when I was 1 1/2 years old and it's always been my way of understanding and interpreting the world. I was brought up working class and understood from an early age that if I wanted to have what I felt I deserved I'd basically have to do it for myself so I fix my car, sew my clothes, build my house and paint what I'd like to look at. A lot this outlook was to do with my grandfather who made ships in bottles and had a big workshop. He was a quiet man of few words that was both mysterious and appealing to me.

I had no idea I was an artist and just did what I thought was interesting and challenging and this has included landscaping work, guitar building and electronics but after the crash of '87 I lost everything and got back into music. This led to guitar building and I ended up with a shop. I lost this as well so in '92 decide, at 30, to go to art school. Since then it's been one adventure after another.

I don't have an art orientated career so much as career orientated towards art. What that means is the art comes first and what to do with afterwards is what comes afterwards. I've had shops of my own, gone to markets and had exhibitions both in dealer galleries and in the community. Pop stars have bought my art and it's been sent as far afield as Switzerland but in the end the artwork has it's own journey to make that's far more important than my journey bringing it into being.

I hope you enjoy what I've done here and enjoy the rest of the magnificent artworks available to you here on this site. Be well and walk in beauty.