Hi! I'm Alanna.
I'm a knitwear designer and LYS owner living in Auckland New Zealand. I learned to knit when I was 7 and haven’t stopped stitching away ever since! I'm currently self-publishing patterns as Black Cat Knitting Company and I've used my many years of trial and error (and many undone rows) to develop user-friendly patterns that I feel will inspire confidence not only in the pattern, but in one's own abilities. I've always felt a well written pattern can help encourage knitters to branch into new territory and accomplish creations that may have previously seemed too daunting.
My patterns are generally inspired by the beauty of mother nature in her many forms, as manifested in the different places I have lived so far:
the Kickapoo Valley in Wisconsin, the Adirondack mountains of Upstate New York, the lush green of the Pacific Northwest, the Rockies and wildlife of Montana, and the absolutely unique climate of my current home on the North Island of New Zealand, where I live with my husband and two cats.
Thanks for stopping by
xx Alanna