We are also known as: AND SEW IT GOES ON...

4 beautiful children who keep me busy and out of trouble.
My daytime job is as SPACE Coordinator in Otago : D GREAT job.. lots of new mums/dads and their babies. Stops me from getting 'baby-withdrawal' x
Love dancing (might not be so good, but it makes me sooo happy) and regularly do Bollywood, Retro Jazz and Rhythmic Gymnastics.

Where do I get time for making things? Not sure! School holidays are one chance. The rest is called late night indulgence : D

Latest Gym Results:
Otago Champs May 2011 3rd overall (2nd in hoop, 3rd in rope)

The picture is of Ella, our Rhythmic Gymnast not me!!! ; D Just in case you were not sure....