Growing up, I was quite the tomboy- always playing around in my grandfathers work shed: I loved learning to use his tools; the smell of warm wood; the sound of music drifting by as we worked (well, he worked, I made a mess). I have always been a keen observer: in high school I could be found in the darkroom ('back in the day'), or tucked in the corner of a library.. today Nature has me wrapped around its pinky. I'm telling you this because between working with my hands & my quiet insights- I've carved out a living as a sculptor... and over the last few years, this had led me to making smaller, wearable sculptures.

Every item here is hand made: from sketch, to template, to carving, forming, painting or applying metal leaf.
I always have you, the wearer in mind- making sure my ideas are unique & inspired.
I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do in the making of it. :)

Keep in touch;

Facebook: AsheleyElizabethArt
Instagram: asheley_elizabeth