My real name is Ann (without an e), a High school maths teacher, and I live in the once beautiful city of Christchurch, New Zealand.
A stint living in Vancouver, Canada in the swinging 60s and I learnt to weave, spin and dye wool and I was hooked!!!! Though I always was a crafty kid.
Over the years I have accumulated two large looms, several spinning wheels, lots of fabric (I make patchwork quilts), lots of wool and far too many fleeces.
When I'm not teaching, I spin on my Majacraft Spinning wheel, dream of retirement, weave (sometimes - my favourites are shaft switched rugs, Peter Collingwood was my hero), stitch, quilt, knit and sell books for a charity on Trade Me.
We are empty nesters - our baby boy is working in London, England, and we live in a far too large house, with my husband (who looks after me) and Henry, the cat.