My name is Anna Menendez and I live in Athenree, in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, with my husband and our three boys. We are lucky enough to live somewhere with ocean and estuary views. We often marvel at the bird life we can spot from our front door – everything from Herons, Shags, Red-billed Seagulls, Kingfishers, Pheasants, Tuis, Fantails, Eastern Rosella, Yellowhead, and Silver Eyes; to black swans, ducks, Canadian Geese, Swallows and of course Sparrows, Blackbirds and Mynas. We are in bird-spotting heaven.

I am also lucky enough to have discovered my sweet spot - the place where my true passions meet. I've been a long time collector of Crown Lynn crockery in New Zealand and the swans have an extra special place in my heart. I've enjoyed photography for years but have only had the courage to take myself seriously in the last year. And you just can't beat mother nature for inspiration. She's a beautiful thing. So by putting my swans in nature and taking photos of them, I'm as happy as a .... bird in the wild :)

Insta @annagram_NZ