Being creative is not a hobby, it's a way of life.

Hi I'm Nin.

I live in the Selwyn District and I love to make things - all sorts of things. I moved to Rolleston from Christchurch just under 2 years ago and I thought to myself 'wouldn't it be nice to get together with other maker mavens and get the jump on Christmas'. No overspending or desperate last minute trips to shopping malls for me! Christmas should be about the joy of giving to friends and family not the rush or stress of how to pay for it.

I have designed three courses in September, October and November with this in mind. They will get you well on your way with Christmas preperations. These crafts are fun, quick and varied. Who knows, you may develop a new crafting obsession?

I provide just about all the materials as part of the course cost alongside fact sheets with lists of resources and suppliers so you can replicate what we do on the day to your heart's content!