Feedback for whittlebit
whittlebit's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for whittlebit
Comment after chey bought #585597 from whittlebit
Thanks for the great kit!Comment after taylacross172 bought #576392 from whittlebit
Thank you so much it’s perfect, so kind of you to upgrade it to the full pack. Meri KirihimeteComment after debopede8168 bought #577739 from whittlebit
Thanks, received it already, super fast delivery!Comment after gravedigger sold #577308 to whittlebit
A great customer, thank youComment after seedsofpeace bought #577679 from whittlebit
Thanks for the quick response can’t wait to have a go !!!Comment after adamwill1476 bought #574789 from whittlebit
Accommodating with special requests, quick service and good communicationComment after adamwill1476 bought #574790 from whittlebit
Arrived exactly as described, looking forward to getting stuck inComment after sjs22 bought #565005 from whittlebit
Thanks very much for the excellent carving tools. One spoon made in oak and it looks great!!Comment after devimcla1598 bought #560502 from whittlebit
Clear, responsive, and items were exactly as described - better.Comment after sbf1945 bought #556483 from whittlebit
Thanks for the great service.Comment after moonweaving bought #555140 from whittlebit
Great Xmas gift for my pōtiki who is getting into whittling.Also - superb service by this seller. Parcel arrived really quickly and with great communication right from the start. Thanks!
Comment after biddysheehan bought #553796 from whittlebit
Quick, speedy trade. Looking forward to hubby whittling some new spoons. Much appreciatedComment after annacoul bought #552858 from whittlebit
Very cute kit set. Can't wait to gift it!Quick and well presented.