Feedback for vixisbest
vixisbest's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for vixisbest
Thank you for purchasing the kowhai brooch from my shop. Enjoy
you can now follow us on Instagram.
THANK YOU so much for supporting NZ up-bicycled by purchasing one of my unique pieces and taking steps toward a better planet. Hope you get lots of joy from your hand-made purchase. Follow me on insta @ronjaschipper for inspiration & giveaways and don’t forget to post feed-back ;o) Aroha nui from re:purpose Ronja
Thanks for your purchase :)
Another great customer. I hope you really enjoy your scarf and thanks again for buying handmade.
Lovely trader - quick payment and great friendly communication. Thanks Vicki!
thanks so much for choosing to buy from 'apron strings'! : )
Thanks Vicki. You cards are in the post :-)
Thank you for your order, I hope you like your tag blanket. Very quick payment, much appreciated.
Thank you for your purchase... enjoy!
Thanks so much for your order from Mushymoo :)
Great customer, she paid quickly and was very patient with the delay - I forgot to put my store on hold when I went away on holiday! Hope the gift will be appreciated :-)
Thank you for supporting my wee shop here on Felt. I am so glad the baby mobile was so well received. Ria :)
So glad you love my product :) Many thanks...
Thanks so much for your purchase :)
Many thanks for your purchase Vicki. Your magnet board and magnets have been posted this morning. Christie - Chills Designs =)
Thank you very much for your interest in my handmade product
Thank you very much for your interest in my handmade product
Great buyer, quick to pay and communicate :-)
Fantastic buyer, good communication. Thank you for buying from my shop again.
Fantastic buyer, good communication. Thank you for buying from my shop again.
Great customer, thank you.
Thank you for being patient while I made you a bigger cosy