Feedback for vhowell
vhowell's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for vhowell
Comment after onetrickpony sold #315984 to vhowell
Thanks as always :)Comment after onetrickpony sold #340313 to vhowell
Super customer, thanks :)Comment after whimsygrace sold #269813 to vhowell
Thank you for your order, enjoy! xxComment after maisie-moo sold #219584 to vhowell
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Fabulous New Year! Ria xxComment after onetrickpony sold #146071 to vhowell
Great customer, thanks! I hope you enjoy your necklaces.Comment after ukuchic* sold #191371 to vhowell
Thanks for purchasing the Santa Sack. Awesome person to deal with, thanks againComment after megsstudio sold #186936 to vhowell
Thank you for your purchase. We hope you enjoy the finger puppets!I highly recommend this trader.
Kind regards,
Little Lambs