Feedback for tonyak
tonyak's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for tonyak
Comment after roserouge sold #234941 to tonyak
Thank you for your order and very prompt payment. I have posted your sewing kit. Enjoy.Comment after thebirdsnest sold #235444 to tonyak
Thanks for your purchase. If you are happy with the pin cushion please return and leave feedback.Comment after thebirdsnest sold #235445 to tonyak
Thank you for choosing to buy from my shop. I hope you love the vintage style bagComment after jt_designs sold #162925 to tonyak
thanks for your purchase, i hope u like the journal :)Comment after jelliebellie sold #138399 to tonyak
Awsome! So quick :-)Thanks so much for an easy transaction!!!