timli's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Prompt payment. Great to customer to work with :) Thanks for purchasing with me
Prompt payment. Great to customer to work with :)
Thank you for buying our bibs. Hope you like them!
Hope the giraffe arrives safely. Thank you for your order.
Thank you Tim, hope you like your little sets. Delphine.
Thank you so much for supporting Maisie Moo. Ria xx
Thank you for supporting Maisie Moo. Enjoy! X Ria
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations - Ria x
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations - Ria x
Great to deal with!
Thanks for buying my work.