Feedback for taryn
taryn's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for taryn
Comment after feltedroom sold #375157 to taryn
Excellent customer, thankyou for purchasing your cat and kiwi hottie covers from The Felted Room. Enjoy!Comment after feltedroom sold #347589 to taryn
Excellent customer, thanks for purchasing your cat hottie cover from The Felted Room.Comment after bigbunny sold #324512 to taryn
Thank you for your purchase and happy gardening from Big Bunny! after polli-prints sold #270397 to taryn
excellent trade thank you!Comment after runningpukeko sold #92476 to taryn
Lovely to sell to a local buyer who was so efficient and friendly to work with. Running Pukeko exists thanks to customers like you wanting something handmade that is a little bit different.Comment after crazycrayons sold #76087 to taryn
Thank you for your order. The crayons went into the post today so they should be with you soon.Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2012.
Thanks again,