Feedback for tangel11
tangel11's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for tangel11
Comment after seamsgood sold #465046 to tangel11
Thanks for your your order, quick payment and great communication!Comment after mybestdress sold #378227 to tangel11
Thank you so much for your purchase. The dress was couriered to you yesterday. Enjoy.Comment after herbertwilks sold #351625 to tangel11
Many thanks for a quick and easy sale of the pearl stacking rings. Enjoy wearing them! SallyComment after sylviawatson sold #339309 to tangel11
Thanks for purchasing from my Felt shop. Your tracking number is LV144690973NZ. Hope you enjoy your purchase.You can see more of my work at and on Facebook at Sylvia Watson: Jewellery and Instagram as swatsonmakes.
Kind regards