Feedback for sunflower19
sunflower19's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sunflower19
Comment after impressions* sold #522083 to sunflower19
Thank you for your purchase! It was a pleasure to make these earrings for you. :) enjoy!Comment after kumanu sold #474565 to sunflower19
Prompt payment thank you, parcel is on its way.Comment after georgetime sold #474564 to sunflower19
Thanks for your purchase! These are on the way to you!Comment after ashleybrown sold #462612 to sunflower19
Thanks very much for prompt payment and good communication! A+Comment after madebylisa sold #462610 to sunflower19
Thanks!Comment after kaybeecreations sold #462611 to sunflower19
Lovely customer, excellent communication. Thank you so much! Stay safe, KB.Comment after kaybeecreations sold #459744 to sunflower19
Great customer, super fast communication and payment.Stay safe! KB