spritche's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great buyer, quick payment, thank you!
Thankyou for purchasing your hottie cover from The Felted Room.
Thanks so much for your purchase! I hope it keeps your little one toasty warm this winter. Kindest regards.
Fast payment. Thank you and I hope you like the necklace.
Lovely buyer, hope you love your cushions!
Lovely buyer, hope you love your cushions!
Excellent to deal with, thanks so much. Hope you love the necklace.
Thank you so much for purchasing the baby high tops and for the prompt payment.
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you like the pants. Delphine.
Thank you for the prompt payment and smooth transaction, a pleasure