Feedback for snuggliest
snuggliest's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for snuggliest
Comment after hence sold #569822 to snuggliest
Thank you for supporting handmade and our small business. Enjoy! :-)Comment after hence sold #545182 to snuggliest
Thank you for supporting handmade and our small business. Enjoy! :-)Comment after tamryn sold #482138 to snuggliest
Super quick payment and kept good communication with me in dealing with a courier mix up. Thanks!Comment after woolwonders sold #495844 to snuggliest
Fabulous buyer, fast payment and communication. Thanks for supporting handmade NZ small businesses!Comment after artlight sold #481970 to snuggliest
Such a pleasure to make this glass Kereru, may it bring just as much pleasure to those who see it in the future too. Thanks for supporting my business, much appreciated xComment after stitched sold #410474 to snuggliest
Thanks for your purchase.Great communication and quick payment, thanks again.