Feedback for silverback
silverback's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for silverback
Comment after kimmoana sold #484064 to silverback
Lovely customer and was patient while I made her tree. With ArohaComment after ecofox sold #455305 to silverback
Thanks so much for buying local and supporting a small kiwi business. Enjoy your soap.Comment after ecofox sold #376298 to silverback
Thanks so much for buying local and supporting a small kiwi business. Enjoy your soap.Comment after scentlesssoaps sold #416146 to silverback
Thanks for your quick payment- Hope you enjoy the soap!Comment after scentlesssoaps sold #416147 to silverback
Quick payment and good communication. A pleasure!Comment after henahena sold #407646 to silverback
Thank you so much for your purchase at Hena Hena.Please let me know how you like it by placing feedback :DThanks a lot, Nana
Comment after bichimmuni sold #383524 to silverback
Thank you so much...! :DHope you enjoy the book ;)
Comment after bichimmuni sold #379247 to silverback
Thank you so much for your purchase .. :)I hope you enjoy the cards.
Cheers. Yeong